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John Mamann

John Mamann

John Mamann,法国流行创作歌手John Mamann联手 Kika 最新单曲 Love Life,代表作品有《Allez Viens》

《Fais Pas La Gueule John》等。他是著名音乐家Maurice Mann的儿子,18岁时移居加拿大,而后到迈阿密,最后又返回到巴黎。

2009年他唱了他的第一支单曲“Pas jaloux”至今发行三张专辑分别是2010年《Mister Joe》2012年《self-titled Joe Mamann》以及发行于2013年10月21日的第三张专辑《Love Life》,歌曲一出来就受到歌迷们的喜爱。

What Am I Gonna Do

Can I tell you what you mean to me

you're essential as the air I breath

Almost impossible to believe that you're mine.

You're like weekends all year long under a hot Jamaican sun.

You are a winner at a hundred and one


you are.

Something you've got is something I need right now

You don't have to prove it no more.

I'm down on my bended knees


What am I gonna do

I'm so in love with you.

What am I gonna say

if ever you go away.

One in a million


so fair

a nightingale in Barkley Square.



I ain't goin' nowhere without you.

You are the goal that wins the game

The very last bus

Home in the rain.

You're like Rock'n'Roll

And champagne all in one.

Something you've got

Is something I need right now

You don't have

To prove it no more

I'm down on my bended



What am I gonna do

I'm so in love with you.

What am I gonna say

If ever you away.

What am I gonna do

I'm so in love with you. . . .

Can I tell you what you mean to me

It's so difficult to define.

I could drink a case of you anytime.

The Sistine Chapel and the Eiffel Tower

a national anthym and April shower

Tomorrow's fashion and now I've found you - I'm complete.

Something you've got is something I need right now


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